Cadillac, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Chevy Pickup Hydromatic
Hydromatic | Jetaway | Roto 10 (slim Jim) | Roto 5 | Turbo 300 | PowerGlide, Transaxle | Tempest Torque
We provide complete Transmission Rebuilding for the following Buick Cars
Cadillac, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Chevy pick up 1946-1962 Hydromatic
Cadillac, Pontiac, Oldsmobile 1956-1964 Jetaway
Oldsmobile, Pontiac 1961-1964 Roto 10, (Slim Jim)
Oldsmobile F85 1961-1963 Roto 5
Oldsmobile, Pontiac 1964-1969 Turbo 300
Pontiac Tempest 1961-1963 Powerglide, transaxle, Tempest Torque

Special Tools and Experienced are Required to Rebuild These Transmissions
When it comes to vintage car transmissions like these, you can’t just take it to any transmission shop. That is because to properly rebuild them, special tools and upgrades are required for them to work properly. My vast years of experience make me one of the only classic car transmission specialists that get it right in the State of California.
Call me to discuss your transmission, and you’ll quickly see why I am the top choice among classic car owners.
(805) 432-1441